Item Type Identifier

A restriction that only includes the restriction type will apply to all the types of item that are specified in the schema. If required, to apply the restriction to a specific type of item, you can add an Item Type Identifier.

The ItemTypeId attribute allows you to specify an item type to restrict. It assumes that the specified value is found in the current i2 schema that is being used in your deployment. To help ensure that you values are valid, you might want to have the schema open for reference when you are creating your restrictions. In addition, to help troubleshoot issues, it may also help to add the display name or description of the item type into a comment about the restriction.

For example the following item type in the schema:
<EntityType Id="ET5" 
Description="Person details" 
Icon="Person (Shaded Shirt)">
could be used to create the following rule in your configuration file:

<!--Allow 'Person' searches to include conditions 
that are exactly or between a specified range  -->
<Allow ItemTypeId="ET5" Operators="EQUAL_TO, BETWEEN"/>
Note: You can only specify one type of item per rule.