Details of alerts

When you are notified about an alert, you can open the alert details to discover more information. The records that triggered the alert are listed, along with the reason the alert was made.

Note: Security changes can mean that the records that are covered by an alert are no longer available to you. In this situation, the records are displayed without their icon, and no details are displayed.
The following details are available in the alert summary:
A view is defined as an instance in which the records details are loaded. For example:
  • Listing the record and then opening the details is counted as two views.
  • Finding a record and then showing it counts as three views: it was viewed in the record list, again in the Find details pane, and again when the record is shown.

For details of who viewed a record, and when, select the record in the alert, and click Views.

An edit is defined as an instance in which the records details are changed. Notice that:
  • Adding or removing a link counts as one edit.
  • Editing several fields in the record in the same session counts as one edit.
  • Clicking Edit and then canceling counts as a view and not an edit.

For details of who edited a record, select the record and then click Edits.

When you select an edited record, the details of the changes are displayed. If an entity or a link was added, the full record is shown, for edits, only the changed fields are shown.

Information shown about an edit

Information shown...
Field Name The old and current values for the fields in the entity or link.
New Value The updated value.
Old Value The previous value.
Edited by The logon name of the user who made the change.
Date Edited The date and time of the change (on the server).
Reason If required by the database, the reason given by the user for making the change.
OS User The Windows™ name of the user who made the change.
Machine Name The machine that the user was working on.
Location The location as entered in User Information, for example the team or department name.
iBase Change This indicates whether the change was made within iBase or in an external system.
Extra Detail Additional information for the current record.
Some information might be displayed that you do not usually see. In particular:
  • Alternative icon representation shows the name of the new icon if a different icon is assigned to an entity type. This representation applies to entities that do not have an icon field.
  • Icon Color shows the selected color shade if the default icon color was changed.
  • Record Status is Normal unless the record is deleted (soft deleted and can therefore be restored) or Purged (permanently deleted).
When the change is a new, updated, or deleted link, the header, which is displayed in the blue band, summarizes the link details. For example:
  • New Link: Shareholder[SIL31\GEN]
  • Link Updated: VERMILLION Janet[PER:GEN\159]
For a new link, the New Value column lists:
  • Entity type of the link end entities (Entity Type End 1 and 2)
  • Link type
  • Link direction and strength
  • Record ID of the link
  • Record IDs of the link end entities (Record ID End 1 and 2)
If a link is updated, only the changed fields are listed. For deleted links, only the changed status is listed.
Note: If the alert definition is monitoring a linked entity, changes to existing links are not reported because these changes are not directly changing to the entity.

Filtering by user

If several users edited or viewed the record within the time interval, then it can be useful to filter the details by user:

  • From the Show Edits list, select the user name. Select by all users to display the full list again.