Show an entity

You often need to see the contents of an individual record, either to read the details or to edit the information. To display or work with individual entity records that you find, use Show.

Directly opening a record (Show) always shows all of the fields that are defined for an entity whereas data sheets might omit some fields.

After you have opened an entity, you can edit its details, copy (and then edit) it to a new entity, or delete it. Depending on the database, you might also be able to the history of the record.

Showing a record might raise an alert.

Different ways of showing an entity

There are different menu commands for showing the complete record or showing in a data sheet:
  • To use the default method for showing records of this type, right-click on the record and from the menu, select Show.
  • To show the complete record, right-click on the record and from the menu, select Show With > Show Record .
  • To use other data sheets (if there are any), right-click on the record and from the menu, select Show With > datasheet name.
Note: If you selected more than one record, the records are listed to compare the records.

When you have reviewed the record, you can start other operations involving the shown entity.