Retrieving Images

Sometimes you may want to see camera images that are associated with Plate Analysis records, for example to confirm that a VRM has been correctly interpreted or that a vehicle matches its description. Images may be stored as a part of the iBase record, and these may be viewed by showing the record as usual. However, due to the large number of images that may be collected by the ALPR process, your system administrator may choose to retain these images in an external ALPR system and not load them into the iBase database.

For images that are stored outside iBase, an interface is provided through which an external system can receive requests from iBase Plate Analysis to supply an image so it can be displayed to the iBase user. The image request will ask for either the number plate image, or the full image of the vehicle. The picture that is displayed is read only, and there is no facility to save it to an iBase record using this route.
Note: You will only be able to retrieve and view images stored outside iBase if your system administrator has set up a link to an external system that stores ALPR records. To check whether your system has access to images, contact your system administrator.

Viewing Images

When records are displayed, for example in a record list, you can retrieve an associated image by right-clicking on the record and, from the shortcut menu, selecting Retrieve Image. You will be offered the option of seeing only an image of the number plate (Plate Patch), or of the whole image (Overview Image).
Note: If your system has not been configured to show images stored in external systems, an error message will be displayed.

Configuring Image Retrieval

To allow images from an external system to be displayed, you need a developer to implement an interface from a type library. Full details of the configuration are shown in a separate help topic called Implementing Image Retrieval.