Merging links

If you have two or more links that you decide relate to the same relationship or transaction, you can merge these links into a single link. However, when links are merged, you cannot split the links back into the original links.

About this task

You can merge links between the same two entities. Merging means that one link (the 'merge' link) inherits data from the other links before those links are deleted, listing the record they were merged into. Only links of the same type, with the same link ends can be merged. Optionally, you can:
  • Use the data from the entities that are deleted to replace blank field values in the 'merge' entity.
  • Add the data in any Multi-line Text (Append Only) fields to the end of the corresponding fields in the 'merge' entity.
The original creation dates and usernames on the merge link are preserved, and the Update User and Update Date and Time are modified. Where a change is made to a Multi-line Text (Append Only) field, the text MERGE is also inserted after the username.
Note: The record that is displayed in the Select the link to merge into section is the record that is kept, and the records that are selected in the Select the links to be merged section are deleted when they are merged.


  1. Select Edit > Merge Links.
  2. Select a Link Type.
  3. In the Link Ends section, Select the entities at the ends of the links that you are investigating.
    When the link ends are selected, a list of the available links is displayed.
  4. In the Select the link to merge into section, select the 'merge' link.
    Tip: You can check that the correct link is selected by reviewing its details. For example, you can right-click on the label and from the menu, select Show.
  5. In the Select the links to be merged section, select the links to be merged.
  6. Optional: If you want to assign values from the links that are to be deleted to blank fields in the 'merge' link, turn on Use the values from the records above to substitute blank values in the 'merge' record (and merge append-only fields).
    If there is more than one selected record in the Select the links to be merged section, then the value is taken from the first record in the list. Any values in Multi-line (Append Only) fields are updated with values from the links that are to be deleted.
  7. Check that only the required links are selected.
  8. Click Merge and then click Yes to confirm that you want to merge and delete the links in the Select the links to be merged section.