Mapping iBase items

If you have i2 iBase Geographic Information System (GIS) Interfaces configured to connect to mapping applications, you can map iBase records from Analyst's Notebook using your iBase mapping provider. This mapping is specific to the iBase records, and differs from the inbuilt Analyst's Notebook mapping options that are also available for items that contain iBase records.

Note: For information about the Analyst's Notebook mapping options, see Mapping chart items in the Analyst's Notebook documentation.
Mapping information held in iBase records using the iBase GIS Interfaces is very dependent on the mapping application that has been selected, and indeed the configuration that you use to display item information within that application. From Analyst's Notebook, there are two options for interacting with your mapping application:
  • Add to Map - Checks the current selected items for valid coordinates, prompts you to select a mapping configuration, before displaying your items in the mapping application.
  • Select on Map - Does the same validation as Add to Map, but changes the display of any items already added to the mapping application to indicate they are significant.
    Note: Any items that are selected that are not already available in the mapping application will be ignored along with any that do not contain coordinates.
Note: These options are present both in the Map section of the Selection tab of the Data Sources Pane, and from the shortcut menu if you have an item with valid coordinates selected.
For information about setting up configurations to mapping applications in iBase, see i2 iBase GIS Interfaces.