Checking the spelling on records

When you are entering text for records either directly, or that use a data sheet, you can check the spelling of the record details. Terms are checked against a standard dictionary for your selected language and any custom terms in your local dictionary.


To check the text stored in records:
  1. Open a record and ensure that it is in edit mode.
  2. Select Spellcheck.
    Note: If you are checking the spelling on a data sheet, the main record and the open link will be checked. To ensure that spelling is correct on other linked record, you need to run the spell checker with each linked record open separately.
  3. For each term that the spell check flags, decide how you would like to handle the spelling:
    Ignore To ignore this instance of the term.
    Ignore All To ignore all instances of the term in the current spelling session.
    Add To add the term to your custom dictionary, marking the spelling as correct.
    Change To change the flagged term to one of the suggested terms, select the correct term and click Change.
    Change All To change all instances of the flagged term to one of the suggested terms, select the correct term and click Change All .
  4. Click Close.