Numbers and currencies

You can use a range of field types to enter and maintain numerical and financial data. To enter a numerical value, select the number or currency field and enter a value or edit an existing value. When you type numbers and currencies, the figures you enter might be converted to a different format for saving and display.

The different numerical field types are:

  • Calculated numbers are whole numbers that are derived from other field values, such as the sum of two other numbers. It is not possible to edit calculated numbers.
  • Counting numbers are used for whole numbers. You can only enter numbers and a period (.), used as a decimal point. On saving, a prefix and commas (,) can be added; for example, 1675 might become gm 1,675. Although you can enter a decimal point, the typed figure is rounded to the nearest whole number on saving. For example, typing 3.49 or 2.51 is always saved as 3.
  • Real Numbers are used for numbers that might have fractions. You can enter numbers, periods (as a decimal point), and the characters defined by your Windows™-defined regional number options (perhaps commas (,) to separate thousands). On saving, a prefix might be added and decimal places rounded. For example, 83.47 might become mL 83.5.
  • Currency is used for financial values. For the decimal point in a currency value, you use the character that is specified in the Windows regional currency options. On saving, the value might be rounded and a currency symbol added. For example, 4856.4872 might become $4856.49.
Note: Only numbers between -2147483648 and 2147483647 are accepted.