Load files for replication

Working in the publication database or in any of the subscription databases, you can load any type of file into the database for replication to the other sites. You can also add a description of the file.

Editing the description of a file, or deleting a file, also edits or deletes it at the other sites.

A loaded file has a unique identifier, this consists of a number that is appended with the database identifier for the database in which the file was first loaded. You can display the file ID by double-clicking the file. You cannot change any of the other file properties apart from its description.

Examples of file types that can be loaded into the database for replication to the other sites are:

  • A database template (.idt file), extra database templates must be compressed or renamed with a different file extension

  • Analyst's Notebook templates (.ant files)

  • Archive log files (.idla files)

  • Microsoft™ Word documents that are used as templates for iBase report definitions, if there are many documents, consider adding them to an archive file first (.zip file)

Note: After replication, copy these files to the correct place in the database folder or to the correct folder in the iBase installation.

In the File Manager:

  • Click Load to add a file to the database. If you are loading a database template, you must first delete any existing database template that is listed in the File Manager. The addition will be replicated to the other sites. To refresh the list of loaded files, press the F5 key.

  • Click Edit to enter notes or instructions on using the loaded file that will assist administrators at the other sites. The description, or any changes to the description, are replicated to the other sites.

  • Click Delete to remove any unwanted files from the database. The deletion will be replicated to the other sites. This will not delete any files that have been saved to disk; you will need to ask the administrators at the other sites to do this manually.

Since any iBase administrator can delete a loaded file, and because most files are not usable until they have been saved to disk, save the file by clicking Save to File.