Excluding words in Search 360

Search 360 supports excluding a user-defined list of words from its index, so that those words make no contribution to search results. You can customize the list before you create the search index for the first time.

You might want to exclude words from the index because:

  • They are short words that are almost never useful as search terms, such as "and", "as", "but", "by", "is", and "not".

  • They are words that appear in so many records that searching for them doesn't return useful results.

To view the default list of excluded words and make changes to it, you can open and edit the text file named SearchStopWords.txt.


  1. Go to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\i2 iBase 10\Searching\ and open the SearchStopWords.txt file.

  2. Add or remove words from the file, following the format of one word per line.

  3. Save the changes to the file.

  4. Configure the index service with your changes in place.

What to do next

When the index is up and running, you can test your changes. Create a sample record that uses an excluded word that you added to the SearchStopWords.txt file. If you search for that word, Search 360 does not find the sample record.