Reference information
This topic provides detailed information about some aspects of the interaction between iBase and i2 Analyze that can affect the behavior of a joint deployment.
Limitations of schema generation
In general, there is a high degree of compatibility between the iBase schema and the i2 Analyze schema that you create from it. However, there are some differences that the creation process cannot resolve.
Incompatible logical types
The following iBase logical types have no corresponding types in i2 Analyze. The schema generator does not generate property types from iBase fields that have the following logical types:
Type | Supported |
Hyperlink | No |
Picture | No |
Document | No |
Time_Zone | No |
Calculated_Date_Part | No |
Calculated_Number | No |
Calculated_Date | No |
ICON | No |
Custom icons
If the iBase database uses custom icons, then the i2 Analyze deployment must include corresponding icon files. In iBase, mappings for both standard and custom icons appear in the Iconlist.txt file, which by default you can find in the C:\Program Files (x86)\i2 iBase 10\Resources\en-US\Configuration directory.
The start of the file looks like this:
Account account
Action action
Adult adult
Aeroplane airplane
Afghanistan Flag AF
Air Rifle Air Rifle
Airplane airplane
Airport airterm
Where the syntax of each line is:
<iBase icon name> <Tab character> <File name of PNG file>
If there are custom additions to the Iconlist.txt file, you need to make the icons available to i2 Analyze as well. To do this, create a folder named icons in the toolkit/configuration/fragments/common directory and copy the PNG files to it - but rename them according to the left column of Iconlist.txt. For example, the path within the toolkit to the icon for Account entities (if that were a custom icon) would be:
You also need to copy custom icon files to every client workstation, in the following location:
C:\Users\<username>\Documents\i2\i2 Shared\Custom Images\Screen\Icons
Finally, after making all of the above changes, redeploy and restart the Liberty server:
setup -t deployLiberty
setup -t startLiberty
Note: Even after you follow the above steps, the custom icons will not appear in i2 Analyze Schema Designer. However, the names of the custom icons will be present.