Setting the identity

An entity's identity uniquely identifies it on the chart, regardless of how it is displayed. Analyzing charts is typically based on the identity of entities.

About this task

No entities can share an identity. If you enter a value that is already used by another entity, the text changes to the error text color.

You must edit the entity identity so that it is unique before proceeding.

Identities are case-sensitive. "Brian GREEN" and "Brian Green" are both allowed as different identities on the same chart.


To set an identity:
  1. Right-click an item, and select Edit Item Properties. The Edit window is shown.
  2. Select Item Properties > Label & Identity.
  3. Enter the identity of the chart item in the Identity box.
  4. To set a label that is different from the identity, select Label is Different from Identity then enter a label.
  5. Optional: If an item has a database identity, it is shown in the Database Identities box.
  6. Click OK.