Using selection sets

You can group chart items into sets to create networks that you uncover as part of your analysis.

You can group and regroup entities and links into one of 10 available selection sets. This is a useful way to organize and compare items on the chart. Imagine, for example, you want to differentiate the data from a series of imports and find specific entities that are present in several import files. You can assign the data from each import to a different selection set, such as Selection Set 1. All members of the set gain a number 1 under their label on the chart, and Selection Set 1 is highlighted in the ribbon menu, to show it is in current use.

Similarly, when you assign Selection Set 2, members gain a number 2, and so on up to Selection Set 0. You can have all 10 selection sets in use at the same time.

To assign a set, select items from the chart, click the Select tab and choose an available set from the Selection Sets area on the ribbon menu.

Individual sets are managed from the drop-down menu next to the set. The Manage Set Membership and Use Set lists of options allow you to control and work with your sets.

This table describes the functions available for Manage Set Membership:

Manage command


Define Set

Add the selected chart items to the current selection set. If the selection set already contains items, they are removed from the set.

Add to Set

Add the selected chart items to the current selection set. Existing set members are retained.

Remove from Set

Remove the selected chart items from the current selection set.

Invert Membership of Selected Items

Remove current members of the set and replace with all selected chart items.

Clear Set

Remove all items from the current selection set.

This table describes the functions available for Use Set:

Use command


Select Members of Set

Select all the members of the current selection set.

Add Members to Selection

Add members of the selection set to selected items on the chart.

Remove members from Selection

Remove all set members from the selected items on the chart.

Invert Selection of Members

Deselect all currently selected members of the set, and select all unselected members.

Intersect Selection with Set

When the current chart selection contains members of this set and other sets, only the members of this set remain selected on the chart.

You can clear the contents of individual sets from each list, or you can choose to Clear All Sets from the Selection Sets area.