Setting the date & time

A chart item can have both a date and a time, or just a date or a time. It can also have a description of approximately when it occurred, if the exact date and time is not known.


To set the date & time:
  1. Right-click an item, and select Edit Item Properties.
    The Edit window is shown.
  1. Select Item Properties > Date & Time and complete the Date & Time page.
  2. Select the Date and Time check boxes and enter the date or time.
  3. If you do not know the date or time, enter a description about when the event occurred.
    For example, "In the afternoon".
  4. Set the time zone for the item.
  5. Select how the item is ordered on the chart:
    Free An item is free when it is not ordered and can be moved anywhere on the chart.
    Ordered An item is ordered when it cannot be moved to the left and right of other ordered items.
    Controlling (Ordered with Date & Time) An item is controlling when it is ordered and has both a date and time.
  6. Click OK.