Refining the list of connected items

In addition to filtering the most connected items based on link type, you can also use numerical values that are stored in either the link label, or a record's properties. You can filter based on the value of numerical properties of links, for example, to evaluate combined links that indicate multiple calls between to phones, or links containing information about financial transactions.

About this task

When Analyst's Notebook calculates numerical link label values, the first numerical element of a link label is used. For example, the following link labels all have a numerical value of seven:
  • 7
  • Calls: 7
  • 7 transfers
  • 7 and 8
Negative values are considered in the calculation. For example, the link label -7 has a numerical value of minus seven. So a negative value counts as seven links in the reverse direction of the link.


  1. To list the connections on your chart. click the Analyze tab, and then in the List group select List Most Connected.
  2. In the Values pane, select the connection type that you are interested in from the Connected by list.
    If you would like to list links of all types, you can select Links of type: Any.
  3. Select the Value to use to refine your list.
  4. Select the option that is used to list items:
    Total inbound Lists entities based on the total value of the numerical link labels of the connected links that are directed toward the entity.

    Numerical values on bidirectional links are not included in the count.

    Total outbound Lists entities based on the total value of the numerical link labels of the connected links that are directed away from the entity.

    Numerical values on bidirectional links are not included in the count.

    Net inbound Lists entities based on the net inbound value of the numerical link labels of the connected links. The resulting value is the total of the numerical link label values for the inbound links minus the values for the outbound links.

    For example, if an Account entity has two Transaction links, one paying in 600 from Account1 and one paying out 400 to Account2, the net inbound value is 200.

    Net outbound Lists entities based on the net outbound value of the numerical link labels of the connected links. The resulting value is the total of the numerical link label values for the outbound links minus the values for the inbound links.

    For example, an Account entity might have three Transaction links, one paying in 600 from Account1 and two paying out a total of 1000, 500 to Account2 and 500 to Account3. The net outbound value is 400.

    Total value of links Lists the total of the numerical link label values for all links, including links with no directions and bidirectional links.

    For example, if an Account entity has two Transaction links, one paying in 600 from Account1 and one paying out 200 to Account 2, the total value is 800.

    Totals with low net change

    Lists the total of the numerical link label values for all links, where the net change is lower than a specified limit.

    For example, if an Account entity has two Transaction links, one paying in 800 from Account1 and one paying out 800 to Account 2, the net change is 0, but total value is 1600. You can use this option to highlight accounts where large amounts of money are passing through without remaining in the account, which might be an indication of money laundering.

    Connection totals Lists entity-link-entity combinations based on the total of the numerical link label values for all links in a connection, including links with no directions and bidirectional links.

    For example, Account1 and Account2 might have two Transaction links between them, one paying 400 from Account1 to Account2 and the other paying 600 from Account2 to Account1. The connection total is 1000.

    Connection net totals Lists entity-link-entity combinations based on the net total of the numerical link label values for all inbound and outbound links.

    For example, Account1 and Account2 might have two Transaction links between them, one paying 400 from Account1 to Account2 and the other paying 600 from Account2 to Account1. The connection net total is 200.

    Numerical values on bidirectional links are not included in the count.

  5. Optional: You can use the Restrict options to reduce the list to items that you have selected on the chart surface:
    • Restrict Results to Selected Entities - Only show entities that are also selected on the chart.
    • Count Only the Selected Links - Only count links that are also selected on the chart.
    Analyst's Notebook shows active restrictions above the list of entities.