Listing the most connected items

Highly connected items are often significant in analysis. You can list the entities and the links between them based on the number of links present, then change the format of selected items to highlight them on the chart.

About this task

You can choose to list highly connected items according to several different criteria. For example, you can select links of a particular type, or concentrate on links in a particular direction.

After you list the entities that might be significant, you can change the format of these entities and relevant links on the chart to highlight them. For example, if you list entities based on total inbound links, when you click Highlight Top 10, the entity and its inbound links are formatted.


  1. To list the connections on your chart. click the Analyze tab, and then in the List group select List Most Connected.
  2. In the Counts pane, select the connection type you are interested in from the Connected by list.
    If you would like to list all the types of links, you can select Links of type: Any. To display only the links that contain records, select Records of type: Any.
  3. Select the option to use to list items:
    Most links Lists entities based on the number of links.
    Most linked records Lists the entities based on the number of connections that contain records.
    Most connected entities Lists entities based on the number of entities to which they are connected.
    Most inbound Lists entities based on the number of links that are directed towards the entity, excluding bidirectional links.
    Most inbound records Lists entities based on the number of link records that are directed towards the entity, excluding bidirectional links.
    Most outbound Lists entities based on the number of links that are directed away from the entity, excluding bidirectional links.
    Most outbound records Lists entities based on the number of records that are directed away from the entity, excluding bidirectional links.
    Connections with the most links Lists entity-link-entity combinations based on the number of links in the connection.
    Connections with the most records Lists entity-link-entity combinations based on the number of records in the connection.
  4. Optional: You can use the Restrict options to the reduce the list to items that you have selected on the chart surface:
    • Restrict Results to Selected Entities - Only show entities that are also selected on the chart.
    • Count Only the Selected Links - Only count links that are also selected on the chart.
    Analyst's Notebook shows active restrictions above the list of entities.
  5. Optional: As you add items to the chart, you can use the Update option to refresh your list.
  6. Optional: You can use the Copy options to export the contents of the list most connected window to the clipboard in different formats.