Hierarchy layout

For charts that contain organizational structures, you can use the Hierarchy layout to visualize how key individuals control different operations. To show the relative status of entities, peers in the organization are aligned.

To use the hierarchy layout, one or more entities must be identified as root entities. The other items in the chart are rearranged in relation to the identified root items.

By using a Hierarchy layout, you can:
  • Set the separation between entities. The depth is the separation between entities at different levels in the hierarchy from the root entity or entities. The breadth is the separation between entities at the same level in the hierarchy.
    If the Legacy Mode check box is cleared, sibling entities are grouped closer together, which might affect the breadth separation.
  • Specify whether to arrange the entities from top-to-bottom or left-to-right.
  • Choose how to determine the root entities of the hierarchy.
  • Specify whether to use corners when you lay out the chart.
  • Choose whether to revert to the legacy mode for the layout. Legacy mode does not allow for entity extents or allow animation. In addition, items on the same level of the hierarchy are not sorted to reduce crossed links in legacy mode.
  • Choose whether to animate the layout. Animation is not available if you select the legacy mode.

A Hierarchy layout might not be appropriate for charts that contain:

  • Many ordered or controlling items. Ordered and controlling items are not moved.
  • Boxes that enclose other entities. The relationship between the box and the entities within it is lost.
  • Mainly theme lines, such as timeline charts. Theme lines, and items that are directly connected to theme lines, are not moved by a hierarchy layout.