Circular layout

The Circular layout does not reveal the structure of your chart data in the same way as the Peacock or Grouped layout. It might be useful when you want to arrange a number of entities by type in a circular pattern.

A Circular layout can be used in charts with connected and unconnected entities. If the Blocking Required checkbox is cleared in the Setup Layouts window, all entities are arranged into a circle, even if they are not linked to any other entities.

The entities in a Circular layout are sorted by type and not by the number or destination of links between them. Therefore, this layout might result in many crossed links inside the circle.

By using a Circular layout, you can:

  • Specify the maximum width and height of the rearranged chart.
    The height or width of the chart might exceed the height or width that you specify. For example, if your chart contains grouped items that are spaced far apart. Chart items in a group are not moved relative to each other.
  • Position an entity in the center of the circle.
  • Include an inner and outer ring.
  • Specify several circles or a single circle.

A Circular layout might not be appropriate for charts that contain:

  • Many ordered or controlling items. These items are not moved.
  • Many theme lines, for example timeline charts.
  • Boxes enclosing other entities. The relationship between the box and the entities within it is lost.