Grouped layout

The Grouped layout is useful when you have many linked entities. You can find out whether there are certain entities to which a number of other entities are linked. It helps to identify groups of interconnected entities and the relationships between them.

The Grouped layout is more rigid than the Peacock layout. It always attempts to rearrange your chart data into a similar pattern. This pattern has a group of interlinked entities at the center, and other groups 'fanning out' from this central group.

Using a Grouped layout does not display the structure of the network within the groups clearly. To see more detail in the structure, use a Peacock layout.

By using a Grouped layout, you can:

  • Set the maximum width and height of the rearranged chart
  • Specify a minimum separation for items
  • Position an entity at the center of the chart
A Grouped layout might not be appropriate for charts that contain:
  • Many ordered or controlling items. These items are not moved.
  • Mostly theme lines, for example timeline charts.
  • Boxes that enclose other entities. The relationship between the box and the entities within it is lost.
  • Only a few linked entities.