Enabling logging

When you enable logging, Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri makes information available that might help you to understand the cause of issues such as connection problems.


To enable logging, you must add a section inside the <configuration> element of the Analyst's Notebook application configuration file.
  1. Open the Analyst's Notebook application configuration file in a text editor:
    <Install Directory>\i2 Analyst's Notebook 9\ANB.exe.config

    To edit the ANB.exe.config file, you must access it with administrator permissions.

  2. Add the following code inside the <configuration> element:
        <source name="System.ServiceModel"
                switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing"
            <add name="traceListener"
                 initializeData="c:\temp\AnbSvcLog.svclog" />
      <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4">
          <remove name="Default" />
          <add name="Default"
               initializeData="c:\temp\AnbLog.log" />

    Specify your own locations for the log files (in the initializeData attributes). Ensure that you have write access to the locations specified.

    The two log files use different formats but contain similar information. The log file that is called AnbLog.log by default is the easiest one for you to access.

    Remove the added code when diagnosis is complete. It has an adverse effect on performance.
  3. Save the changes, and run Analyst's Notebook again. Attempt the failing connection and inspect the contents of the AnbLog.log file.


Connection problems are the most common type. After you enable logging, one of the following error messages might be shown in the log:

The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (5242880)
has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use the MaxReceivedMessageSize property
on the appropriate binding element.
The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after
00:01:30. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase
the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have
been a portion of a longer timeout.

The first error indicates that the messages from the server exceeded the maximum message size, while the second indicates that the request timed out. You can reduce the amount of data that is available on your server by removing unneeded maps. Alternatively, you can increase the relevant setting on the client.