Services on the ArcGIS server

When ArcGIS is installed, there are a number of postinstallation steps to complete. You must set up and publish the services that are required to support the features in Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri.

For information about creating and enabling services on the ArcGIS server (and before you publish any services), refer to the Esri documentation.

Map services

Map services are used to access published map documents that contain information that is used to build up your mapping surface.

Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri refers to published map documents differently, depending on whether the maps are cached on the server or loaded dynamically.

  • Map services with tiles that were cached on the server are referred to in Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri as base maps. These maps are used as background surfaces on which entities and links are displayed.
  • Map services that create tiles instead of retrieving them from a cache are referred to in Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri as dynamic maps. These maps can be used as background surfaces, or to query for specific information.

    You can choose which elements of a dynamic map you want to display. For example, you might choose to display roads, railways, and city centers; but not to display airports and rivers.

You can specify how a map service behaves on the Caching page of the ArcGIS Server - Map Service Properties window.

Routing and service area map services

For data analysis, you need map services that are configured to conduct network analysis, and map documents with layers that contain information about network routes such as roads or pipelines. You can choose which capabilities to enable in the Publish to ArcGIS Server window.

  • You can use maps that have a service area network layer to calculate areas that are covered by a specified time or distance from specified points of origin.
  • You can use maps that have a routing network layer to calculate the route between two or more locations.

Geometry services

A geometry service is used within Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri for creating a buffer around selected features and mapped items.

Geocoding services

A geocoding service allows coordinates to be calculated from a specified address.

Availability of functions

The following services must be available in order for the client to present the associated functions.

Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri Functions Required Esri Service
Base maps Map services with tiles that are cached on the server.
Calculate service area Map services and one or more map documents that contain a network layer of type Service Area must be published, with network analysis capability enabled.
Dynamic maps Map services with tiles that are not cached on the server.
Draw buffer Geometry services must be enabled.
Find route Map services and one or more map documents that contain a network layer of type Routing must be published, with network analysis capability enabled.
Geocode address Geocoding services must be enabled with at least one activated subscription to a locator service.
Query a feature layer Map services and one or more uncached map documents must be published.