Services available to Analyst's Notebook clients

Server endpoints specify the location of the service catalog. The service catalog allows the client computer to determine which services are available on each Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri server.

There are two server endpoint files:

  • One of the server endpoint files is installed by default, and always exists. It contains preconfigured servers that cannot be removed through the user interface. This file is stored in the installation directory, under Foundation Module\Modules\ServerEndpoints.config.
  • If the user adds endpoints through the user interface, these additions are in a user-specific endpoints file. For example, if the user is working with Windows 7, the user-specific endpoints file is in C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\i2\i2 Analyst's Notebook Esri Edition\ServerEndpoints.config.
    Any user-specific endpoints in the i2.Mapping.Esri.ArcGisModule.dll.config file of an earlier version of Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri were moved into ServerEndpoints.config during the upgrade process.

The first of these files would normally be edited only by an administrator. A user can edit the user-specific endpoints file, but the preferred way for them to configure endpoints is though the user interface.

To edit the ServerEndpoints.config file that is in the installation directory, you must have administrative permissions on the client computer.

Example data

When Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri is first installed, the server endpoint configuration file is populated with server endpoints that point to Esri demonstration servers.

These servers are for demonstration purposes only, and although they work at the time of writing, there are no service level agreements in place. Their availability is therefore not guaranteed.