Configuration settings

To use i2® Analyst's Notebook® Connector for Esri®, you must configure it to work with an ArcGIS server. The process involves learning about the services that must be available on the ArcGIS server, and how to access them from the application.

This document does not cover ArcGIS server setup and configuration. For ArcGIS server information, refer to the relevant Esri documentation.


You must have a certain level of competency to use the information here:

  • A level of IT competency typical of an advanced Windows™ user
  • A familiarity with ArcGIS server configuration
  • An understanding of projected and geographic coordinate systems

Do not try to configure Analyst's Notebook Connector for Esri unless you are a system administrator.

Configuration information

The information here covers the following types of configuration:

  • Setting up services on an ArcGIS server
  • Configuring server endpoints
  • Using coordinate systems
  • Troubleshooting connection issues
  • Configuring command-line tools