Drawing shapes on a map

It is sometimes useful to highlight certain areas on a map by drawing shapes.

About this task

A number of shapes are available for you to draw, for example point marker, polygon, or arrow.

Shapes are not geodesic, that is, they do not follow the contours of the map. They are flat drawings.


  1. In the i2 Esri Maps window, right-click on the map and click Draw or click the drawing tool.
  2. Click the shape that you require.
  3. To draw the shape, do one of the following:
    Triangle, Arrow, Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse Drag an area and release the mouse button to complete the shape.
    Line, Polygon Click to insert the first point, then click to add extra points. Double-click to complete the line or area.
    Freehand Line, Freehand Polygon Drag a line or an area and release the mouse button to finish.
    Point Click the required position.
  4. Optional: To delete a shape, select it and press Delete.
    You can close the drawing pane at any time by clicking the drawing tool.