Map chart items in i2 Maps

You can create chart items that contain location data, and visualize them on map surfaces using i2 Maps.

When your i2 Analyze records contain data in geospatial properties, their geographic coordinates and map locations are displayed in the Properties tab of the Record Inspector.

You can add coordinates for entities that have the Geographic Location property configured in your schema. For example, location specific entities such as addresses support the inclusion of geospatial information. By default the coordinate system used is WGS84, where the first value is North (latitude) and the second is East (longitude). If you have coordinate values from a different system, such as Easting and Northing, you might be able to convert them to WGS84 datum when you create your new record.

To work with i2 Maps, go to the Analyze tab of the ribbon and click Map Provider in the Gain Insight group. Select i2 Maps from the Map Provider list, then click Maps. The i2 Maps window opens and Analyst's Notebook displays the base map configured by your system administrator. Click Options to see the base maps and overlays that are available in your deployment.

It is useful to add a number of different addresses to the map to understand more about their locations in relation to each other, or to events that occurred nearby. The default option for automatically adding records in i2 Maps is set to 'on'. This means that if records have coordinate values entered in the Geographic Location properties field, those records are added to the map even when the map view is not displayed. You can click the Add records automatically button to toggle the setting to either 'on' or 'off'.

Existing data is not affected by toggling the automatic setting. For example if you add geospatial data to the chart while the function is 'off', the new data is not added to the map when you later toggle it to 'on'. Similarly, data that you add to the map when the function is 'on' is not removed if you toggle the setting to 'off'.

i2 Maps must be your active map provider in order for Analyst's Notebook to automatically add records to the map. If you are working in i2 Maps, with Add records automatically enabled and you switch map provider, new markers are not added. For example, you switch map provider and copy new i2 Analyze records that contain geospatial data to the chart. The records are not added to the map because i2 Maps is no longer active. This is also the result if you add geospatial properties to i2 Analyze records that are already on the chart, after switching to an alternative map provider.

You can also add entities to the map from the chart surface. If a record has coordinate values entered in the Record Inspector, a small version of the map is displayed with a location marker. To manually add to the map, right-click the chart entity and select Add to map from the menu.

Marker clusters help you manage multiple markers by grouping them together, making the map easier to read. The option to use marker clusters in i2 Maps works in a similar way to adding records automatically, in that the default setting is 'on'. Click the Use marker clusters button to toggle the setting to either 'on' or 'off'.
The Add records automatically and Use marker clusters settings are individual to each chart. When either of these settings is turned off, it remains set to off until reactivated, even after you save and reopen the chart. If you have multiple charts open, other charts are not affected.