Location information
For an entity to be mapped successfully in the i2 Esri Maps window, it must contain location information in the form of coordinates.
- Labels
- Descriptions
- Cards
- Attributes with specific semantic type assignments
- Data records
An entity can contain several coordinates that are stored in different places. After mapping, if the coordinates are different, then the entity is displayed on the map in each location.
Coordinates in text
You can enter coordinates in labels, descriptions, or cards as part of their summary or description.
Coordinates that are stored in text require an identifying prefix (LOC/) and suffix (//). For example, LOC/28°16'45.55"N 81°33'59.44"W//.
Coordinates in attributes
You can enter coordinates in a single attribute, or you can split them into their constituent parts and enter them as a combination of attribute values. The prefix and suffix are unnecessary when you use attributes. For example, 28°16'45.55"N and 81°33'59.44"W.
Coordinates or the constituent parts of a location are detected in attributes that have the following semantic type assignments:
- Altitude
- Datum Code
- Decimal Degree
- Easting
- Hemisphere
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Northing
- UTM Zone
Coordinates in data records
You can map items from data sources (for example, iBase), if the data records contain coordinates. Coordinates are detected in data records that use the prefix and suffix LOC/ and //. The appropriate semantic types must be assigned to the data record properties that make up the location.