Using coordinates in attributes

You can control where Analyst's Notebook looks for attributes, and how they are identified.

Select None to prevent Analyst's Notebook looking for coordinates and addresses in attributes.
Get coordinates automatically from the current chart
Analyst's Notebook uses attributes for coordinates and addresses that have the following characteristics:
  • Is assigned a property semantic type derived from the Grid Reference and Address property semantic type.
  • Is saved in the Locations palette.
Attributes of this type are automatically detected and listed in the relevant section. For example, if you add an attribute for 'altitude', you should assign the Altitude property semantic type and save to the Locations palette. This attribute is then automatically detected.
Specify attributes that contain coordinates
You need to set up attributes that do not have a semantic type and are not part of the Locations palette.
  • Select Specify attributes containing coordinates.
  • Click Add.
  • Select the attribute class from the list.
  • Select the property that corresponds to the attribute. For example:
British National Grid Complete BNG grid references
Datum Datum codes. This is only necessary if you do not want to use the WGS84 datum. This datum applies to all coordinates that do not have a specific datum set.
Decimal Degrees Latitude longitude pairs given in decimal degrees
Degrees Minutes Seconds Latitude longitude pairs given in degrees, minutes and seconds
Easting X coordinates (a measured distance eastwards) as part of a UTM, UPS or decimal BNG grid reference
Hemisphere For a grid reference that requires the hemisphere to be specified
MGRS Complete MGRS grid references
Northing Y coordinates (a measured distance northwards) as part of a UTM, UPS or decimal BNG gird reference
UPS Complete UPS grid references
UTM Complete UTM grid references
UTM Zone The UTM zone for UTM grid references that are split over several attribute classes