Configuring geocoding to use extracted text

You can configure the geocoding service to look for addresses in chart item text. For example, a card on an entity might contain an address: ADDR/My street, My city, My postal code//.


To configure geocoding to use extracted text:
  1. On the Geocoding page of the Data Sources task pane, select a geocoding service and click Configure Selected Geocoding Service.
  2. On the Extracted Text page of the Geocoding Service Configuration window, select the Use addresses extracted from text for geocoding check box.

    By selecting this option, you specify that address information is geocoded from text. This check box is selected by default.

  3. The Geocoding Parameter column contains all the available parameters on the geocoding service. To specify an address part to use for a specific parameter, select a row in the table. From the Use part of address list, select an address part. This selection can be part of an address, or you can use the full address parameter.
    Note: "*" in the Geocoding Parameter column indicates that it is a mandatory parameter.

    Address parts are based on free text extraction. Each address part is extracted up to a delimiter in the free text and sequentially numbered. A delimiter can be a comma or a line break, for example, and you might configure the following settings for an address with the format ADDR/My street, My city, My postal code//:

    Source Geocoding parameter
    Address Part 1 Street or Intersection
    Address Part 2 City or Placename
    <ignore> State
    Address Part 3 ZIP Code
  4. Optional: To ignore a geocoding parameter, select Ignore parameter.
    <ignore> is displayed in the Source column.
  5. Optional: To reset the geocoding settings for extracted text back to their default values, click Reset.