Item type identifier

A rule that includes only the rule type applies to all item types in the schema. To apply a rule to a specific item type, you can add an item type identifier.

You can use the ItemTypeId attribute to specify an item type whose conditions are subject to the rule. The identifier that you use must be present in the i2 Analyze schema.

To help with later troubleshooting, you might also add the display name or a description of the item type into a comment about the rule.

For example, given the following item type in the example law enforcement schema:

<EntityType Id="ET5"
            Description="Person details"
            Icon="Person (Shaded Shirt)">

You might create the following rule in your configuration file:

<!-- Allow 'Person' searches to include conditions that specify exact values or ranges -->
<Allow ItemTypeId="ET5" Operators="EQUAL_TO, BETWEEN"/>

Note: You can specify only one item type per rule.