Visual Query schedule

When a user enables alerting on a saved Visual Query, the query is run automatically on a schedule. The default schedule can be changed to suit your performance requirements and the number of Visual Queries that are saved with alerting enabled.

By default, the Visual Queries that are saved with alerting enabled are run once every 24 hours, at 00:00 according to the server time. If the result of a query is different from the last time that the query ran, the user receives an alert with this information.

You can change or override the default schedule, as follows.

  • Change the time of day that the saved Visual Queries run. For more information, see Changing the daily schedule for Visual Queries.

  • Create a custom schedule to specify when the saved Visual Queries run. For more information, see Creating a custom schedule for Visual Queries.

    Note: Running Visual Queries on schedule might affect performance for users of the system. The following factors are examples of the characteristics of Visual Queries that can affect performance:

    • Number of queries

    • Complexity of the queries

    • Volume of data searched by the queries

    In this situation, consider setting the daily schedule for a quiet period such as overnight, or setting the custom schedule for a low frequency.