Verifying deletion by rule

You can verify the outcome of each deletion-by-rule job by consulting the IS_Public.Deletion_By_Rule_Log view. The status indicates whether an instance of deletion based on a rule is pending, succeeded, or failed.


  1. Connect to your database as a user with the Deletion_By_Rule role.

  2. To verify the status of deletion jobs, browse the data in the IS_Public.Deletion_By_Rule_Log view.

  3. Find the rule and job that you are interested in. You can use the rule_name and job_creation_time columns to do find the rule.

  4. Verify the status or the outcome of the deletion process in the status column.

What to do next

For more information about the contents of the log, see Deletion_By_Rule_Log view.

When the job status is Succeeded, you can browse the data in the deletion view for indications that the effect of the job on the database is as expected. Alternatively, you can run the SQL statement and verify that there are no matching records.

When the job fails, the job status indicates an error. For more information, see Troubleshooting.