
When a deletion by rule job is completed, information that indicates success or failure is sent to the IS_Public.Deletion_By_Rule_Log view. More details are recorded in the IS_Public.Ingestion_Deletion_Reports view.

You can see the status of all deletion-by-rule jobs in the IS_Public.Deletion_By_Rule_Log view. For more information, see Verifying deletion by rule.

If the value of status is not Succeeded, the type of error that is recorded informs your diagnosis and troubleshooting steps. The possible status values, explanations, and steps to take for each value are described as follows.

Pending: status unchanged after a significant amount of time

  1. Check other jobs in the IS_Public.Deletion_By_Rule_Log view to see whether there is a backlog due to the number and complexity of jobs; or jobs are not being processed as expected and a significant amount of time has elapsed since the most recent job was processed.

  2. Check whether the server is running. You might need to restart the server. For more information, see Troubleshooting the deployment process.

  3. Check whether the server is connected to the database. There might be a network issue. You can find the Opal server logs here: i2\i2analyze\deploy\wlp\usr\servers\opal-server\logs

If you are applying deletion by rule to a remote Information Store on Db2, the remote database must be cataloged by using the local Db2® client. If the configuration files are not already updated, complete the update by using the toolkit. For more information, see Configuring remote IBM Db2 database storage.

If you are using IBM Db2 and none of the previous steps resolve the issue, there might be a problem with the Administrative Task Scheduler or Db2. For more information, see Troubleshooting administrative task scheduler.

Server error

  1. To assess the extent of the problem, in the IS_Public.Deletion_By_Rule_Log view, check the reject_count value to see the number of items that are rejected.

  2. Access the IS_Public.Ingestion_Deletion_Reports view for more information. A specific deletion job can be identified by the job_id value, which is identical to the job_id value in the IS_Public.Deletion_By_Rule_Log view.

Note: Deletion-by-rule automatically populates the label column in the IS_Public.Ingestion_Deletion_Reports view with the value Deletion rule:<Deletion Rule Name>.