Stopping and starting i2 Analyze

You might need to stop and start components of your i2 Analyze deployment to complete some configuration changes.

About this task

If you are using the single-server or remote database deployment topologies, you can use the stop and start toolkit tasks to stop and start i2 Analyze.

If you are using the multiple-server deployment topology, you must stop and start the components of i2 Analyze individually.


  1. Stop the components of i2 Analyze.

    1. Stop Liberty and the i2 Analyze application.

      To stop Liberty, run the following command on each Liberty server:

      setup -t stopLiberty
    2. Stop Solr.

      To stop Solr, run the following command on every server where Solr is running:

      setup -t stopSolrNodes --hostname <>

      Here, is the hostname of the Solr server where you are running the command, and matches the value for the host-name attribute of a <solr-node> element in the topology.xml file.

    3. Stop ZooKeeper.

      To stop ZooKeeper, run the following command on every server where ZooKeeper is running:

      setup -t stopZkHosts --hostname <>

      Here, is the hostname of the ZooKeeper server where you are running the command, and matches the value for the host-name attribute of a <zkhost> element in the topology.xml file.

  2. Start the components of i2 Analyze.

    1. Start ZooKeeper.

      To start ZooKeeper, run the following command on every server where your ZooKeeper hosts are located:

      setup -t startZkHosts --hostname <>

      Here, is the hostname of the ZooKeeper server where you are running the command, and matches the value for the host-name attribute of a <zkhost> element in the topology.xml file.

    2. Start Solr.

      To start Solr, run the following command on every server where your Solr nodes are located:

      setup -t startSolrNodes --hostname <>

      Here, is the hostname of the Solr server where you are running the command, and matches the value for the host-name attribute of a <solr-node> element in the topology.xml file.

    3. Start Liberty and the i2 Analyze application.

      To start Liberty, run the following command on each Liberty server:

      setup -t startLiberty