Custom provisioning with a user registry
When i2 Analyze is using a registry for user authentication, you can use custom provisioning to control which users and groups from the registry can access the system. To do so, you populate the registryConfig object in the provisioning-configuration.json file.
The registryConfig object contains the following properties:
- userFilters
An array of strings that specify the user filters. Only users that match the filters can log in to i2 Analyze.
- groupFilters
An array of strings that specify the group filters. Only groups that match the filters can be used in i2 Analyze.
- userDisplayNameMappings
An array of objects that allows you to customize the display names of users in i2 Analyze, on either an individual or a generalized basis.
- groupDisplayNameMappings
An array of objects that allows you to customize the display names of groups in i2 Analyze, in the same way as userDisplayNameMappings.