User authentication

i2 Analyze supports user authentication through two main mechanisms: registries like Active Directory or the Liberty user registry, and claims-based authentication through an identity provider. Typically, the mechanism you choose will depend on your organization's existing infrastructure and security requirements.

When users log in to i2 Analyze, their group memberships determine what data they're allowed to see and what actions they're allowed to perform. So, if the groups that you already have align with the groups that you want to use in i2 Analyze, then after you configure authentication you can start to refine your security schema and configure access to features.

If the groups in your authentication system don't align with what you need in i2 Analyze, then you can either create groups specifically for i2 Analyze, or align i2 Analyze with your existing groups. After that, you can configure provisioning to filter out users and groups that you don't want to use in i2 Analyze, or to make other changes such as providing display names for users.