Example schemas

The i2 Analyze deployment toolkit includes example schema files that you can use as a starting point for your own schemas.

Example i2 Analyze schemas

The deployment toolkit includes five pairs of example i2 Analyze schemas and associated charting schemes in the toolkit\examples\schemas directory:

Law Enforcement

The law enforcement schema deals with criminal activity. It contains entity and link types that are designed to track connections within criminal networks.

Commercial Insurance

The commercial insurance schema deals with fraud in a commercial setting. It contains entity and link types that are designed to track financial transactions such as credit card payments and insurance claims.


The military schema helps with military intelligence tracking. It contains entity and link types that target military operations.

Signals Intelligence

The signals intelligence schema focuses particularly on the cellphones and cell towers that are involved in mobile telecommunications, and on the calls that take place between them.

Chart Storage

The chart storage schema is not an example of a particular domain, but rather the starting point for any deployment of i2 Analyze that includes only the Chart Store.

Example security schema

The example security schema files specify a number of security dimensions and dimension values, and security groups for users.

After you create the toolkit\configuration directory by copying it from the base configuration of your choice, you can find an appropriate example security schema file in the toolkit\configuration\examples\security-schema directory.