Deploying system match rules

The system match rules that you deploy are used to create a match index of your data in the Information Store. The match index identifies matches between records that enter the system (or records on a chart) and records in the Information Store.

Before you begin

Ensure that i2 Analyze is started, and that you can connect to the deployment by using Analyst's Notebook.

About this task

In your configuration development environment, use Analyst's Notebook to create your match rules, which are saved to an XML file that you can move to the i2 Analyze server. (The match rules files that Analyst's Notebook creates are compatible with both Find Matching Records and system matching, but i2 recommends that you configure the features separately.)

After you create your match rules file, you create a match index of the data in the Information Store from those rules. In fact, every deployment of i2 Analyze has two match indexes, generated from different versions of the match rules file. One of the indexes is live, and the application uses it to process system match requests. The other index is the standby, which is generated when you modify or write new system match rules.

When the standby index is ready, you switch the standby index to live so that the application uses the match index that reflects your new rules.

Note: If your deployment uses only the i2 Connect gateway, follow the instructions in Deploying system match rules for the i2 Connect gateway only.


  1. Connect to your server in Analyst's Notebook to load the i2 Analyze schema, and then create your match rules. For more information about how to create match rules, see Find matching records in the Analyst's Notebook documentation. After you create your rules, Analyst's Notebook saves a file named local-fmr-match-rules.xml to the %localappdata%\i2\i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium\Match Rules\<data_source_id> directory on the local workstation. The file is saved in the directory that was modified most recently.

Next, you must place the match rules file on the i2 Analyze server and update the deployment with your changes.

  1. Move the local-fmr-match-rules.xml file to the toolkit\configuration\environment directory in the i2 Analyze deployment toolkit.

  2. Rename local-fmr-match-rules.xml to system-match-rules.xml.

  3. In a command prompt, navigate to the toolkit\scripts directory.

  4. Update the system match rules on the server and start the population of the standby match index:

    setup -t updateMatchRules
  5. Monitor the i2analyze\deploy\wlp\usr\servers\opal-server\logs directory for a StandbyMatchIndexReady file. The file is created when the standby match index completes indexing the data in the Information Store with your new system match rules.

  6. Update the application to use the standby match index:

    setup -t switchStandbyMatchIndexToLive

    This toolkit task switches the standby match index for your new rules to the live index. The match index that was live is now the standby match index.

What to do next

Connect to the deployment again and test your system rules with representative data to ensure that they meet your requirements. In Analyst's Notebook, you must log out and log in again to see your changes.

If you want to modify the system rules again without using Analyst's Notebook, you can modify the file in an XML editor. For more information about the structure of the match rules file, see Match rules syntax.