Client certificates

The client certificates that are used to authenticate users must be signed by a certificate authority that is trusted by the i2 Analyze server.

The common name in a client certificate must match a user name in the registry that i2 Analyze is using. A user that selects such a certificate logs in to i2 Analyze as the corresponding i2 Analyze user.

You can have as many client certificates as you require. Each certificate is associated with a single user in the registry. Each certificate can be installed on any number of workstations. Each workstation can have any number of certificates installed.

To demonstrate a working configuration, you can use a self-signed client certificate. For more information, see Creating a self-signed client certificate. However, in a production deployment you must use certificates that are signed by a certificate authority that is trusted by the i2 Analyze server.

There are many methods for obtaining an X.509 certificate that is signed by a certificate authority. When you receive a signed certificate, you also receive signer certificates so that you can trust the client certificates that are signed by that certificate authority. If the certificate authority that signed your certificates is not already trusted within the key database, you must add any signer certificates to the key database so that the certificate authority is trusted.