Deploying with PostgreSQL on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)

You can deploy i2 Analyze with a remote PostgreSQL database hosted on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS).

Configuring RDS for i2 Analyze

  1. To enable i2 Analyze to perform scheduled operations against the database, enable the pg_cron extension in your RDS instance. Follow the instructions to set up in the pg_cron extension and grant database users permissions described in Scheduling maintenance with the PostgreSQL pg_cron extension.

    1. By default, cron jobs run in the postgres database. For cron jobs to run in the ISTORE database, follow the instructions in Scheduling a cron job for a database other than the default database

  2. By default, i2 Analyze requires the use of the pg_default tablespace. To enable i2 Analyze to use it, you must assign your master user as owner of the pg_default tablespace.

    For example:

    ALTER TABLESPACE pg_default OWNER TO postgres;

    Where postgres is the name of your master owner.

Configuring i2 Analyze for RDS

Follow the instructions in Configuring remote PostgreSQL database storage to configure i2 Analyze to connect to your RDS PostgreSQL database.

Deploying i2 Analyze

Continue to deploy i2 Analyze in the usual way. i2 Analyze deployment commands