Installing i2 Analyze

You can install i2 Analyze by extracting an archive file.

Before you begin

You must ensure that the system that you are planning to install i2 Analyze onto is compatible with the system requirements. For details of the system requirements, see the Release notes available on the i2 Analyze support page.
To install i2 Analyze, you must have the i2 Analyze version 4.4.2 distribution. Choose one of the following distributions to install i2 Analyze from:
  • i2 Analyze V4.4.2 (Archive install) for Windows
  • i2 Analyze V4.4.2 (Archive install) for Linux

About this task

i2 Analyze is provided in a .zip archive file for Windows, and a .tar.gz archive file for Linux. To install i2 Analyze, extract the archive file and then accept the license agreement.


  1. Download the i2 Analyze distribution file for your operating system, and extract the contents into one of the following directories:
    • On Windows, C:\i2\i2analyze
    • On Linux, /opt/i2/i2analyze
Before you can use i2 Analyze, you must read and accept the license agreement and copyright notices.
  1. In a text editor, open the notices file and the license file for your language from the i2analyze\license directory.
    For example, the English license is in the LA_en file.
  2. Accept the license and copyright notices.
    1. Open the i2\i2analyze\license_acknowledgment.txt file.
    2. To accept the license and copyright notices, change the value of LIC_AGREEMENT to ACCEPT.
      For example:
    3. Save and close the file.