Configuring user access through LDAP

If your organization uses LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) as a site-wide authentication and authorization system, then you can configure TextChart Studio to use LDAP in place of its own user management system.

  1. To configure TextChart Studio to access the LDAP server, you need to edit the supplied conf/ldap.conf file.

    Because interfacing with LDAP can be complex, i2 recommends contacting your IT department for assistance in setting the values in the LDAP configuration file.

    Note: To use TextChart Studio with an LDAPS (LDAP with SSL) server, see Configuring SSL for Studio for information about creating and managing SSL certificates and key stores.

  2. To set up LDAP authentication, open the conf/ file in a text editor, and set the authType property to ldap:

  3. To restrict access to the TextChart Studio user interface to members of a particular LDAP group, also set the authGroup property to the name of that group. For example:


    Alternatively, to allow all LDAP users to access TextChart Studio, either don't set the authGroup property or set it to the default value, **.

  4. When your changes to conf/ldap.conf and conf/ are complete, restart TextChart Studio to make them take effect.