Introducing iBase Designer

The Database Window is a complete view of your database. The Database Explorer tree view on the left of the Database window shows all the objects in the database, and the Details window on the right displays information on the selected object.

Types of object in the database

Type of object Description
Name of your databaseDescribes the database and statistics for the database, for example how many entity types are defined in the database.
Entity TypesLists the entity types defined in this database. The Details window shows the number of fields, the default icons and the setting of the option in the Selected in 'Expand' list column (this determines which entities are displayed when you expand to a chart).
Link Types

Lists the link types in this database. The Details window shows the number of fields, the color used for the link and the setting of the option in the Selected in 'Expand' list column.

To view the fields and how they are defined, expand the Link Types, and then click the required link type.

Labeling SchemesLists the labeling schemes in the database, along with the total number of labels defined for use in iBase.
Code Lists

Shows the number and type of code lists in the database.

For details of the code lists of a specific type, such as their names and the number of items they contain, Expand Code Lists, and then click the list type, such as Pick Lists.

To see the actual values in a code list, Expand the list type and select a specific list.

Chart AttributesShows the chart attributes in the database. The Details window lists the symbols, prefixes and suffixes, and whether these are displayed on charts.
Standard FieldsShows the standard fields that are defined in the database.
FunctionsLists some of the tools available in iBase Designer. For example, click Datasheet Manager to list the custom forms in this database. These tools are also available on the Tools menu.
Note: Depending on the database design some of these object types might be empty.