Install permits

Install permits on the server to make them available to clients.


  1. If you have not already done so, create a %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel\Administration Tools directory. Copy the contents of the \Product Access Management\Utils directory in the i2® application downloaded distribution to the new directory.
  2. In the Administration Tools directory, double-click WlmAdmin.exe.
    The WlmAdmin application opens.
  3. In WlmAdmin, expand the server navigation tree to display the required server.
  4. Right-click on the server then click Add Feature > From a File > To Server and its File.
    The Open window is displayed.
  5. In the Open window, browse to the location of the permit file. Select the permit file, then click Open. The rows in the permit file are validated to ensure that they are intended for that server. If validation is successful, the permits are added to the server and a message is displayed.
    Note: In server applications such as WlmAdmin, a feature is equivalent to an i2 application. For example, the i2.ANB.main feature corresponds to the Analyst's Notebook application. Permits are installed on a server for a feature, and an i2 application requests a permit from a server when it loads.


You can use WlmAdmin to view the permits that are installed on a server.

To monitor usage of permits, see Accessing the server log file.

To reserve permits on a server for use by specific users or clients, configure Reservation Groups on the server. For more information, see Reservation groups.