Specifying information about links

If you are importing link data, you need to specify the entity types that are at the ends of the link. In addition, the link direction and strength need to be set.

About this task


  1. Specify valid link ends for both End (1) and End (2).
    Note: If you select Fixed, you can select a specific entity that is used as End (1) for all imported links.
  2. Specify the link direction:
    • None - no arrows
    • End (1) to End (2) - an arrow points to End 2
    • End (2) to End (1) - an arrow points to End 1
    • Both - an arrowhead at each end
    • From Import Source - The direction of the link is derived from the data that is mapped to the direction field using the following code:
      • 0 = None
      • 1 = End (1) to End (2)
      • 2 = End (2) to End (1)
      • 3 = Both
  3. Select a specified strength or click From Import Source to specify the strength based on the data that is mapped to the strength field that uses the following code:
    • 0 = Confirmed
    • 1 = Unconfirmed
    • 2 = Tentative