Setting up the import and export specifications

The export and import specifications that can be run by the Import Batch or Export Batch specification are set up in the usual way. The only difference is in how you record any errors that might occur during imports and how you log the statistics at the end of each import.

About this task

If you would like to view details of any errors that occur during an batch run, you need to save individual error files. As a default, error files are overwritten when the batch import runs the next import specification. You do this on the last page of the import wizard by selecting Append a timestamp to the file names each time the import is run. The same applies if you want to save the statistics for each import.


If you want a log of what went wrong with an import:
  1. Turn on Write all records with errors to a file on the last page of the import wizard.
  2. Enter the name of the error file, which will be saved in the same directory as the database. Ideally use a name that is unique to each import specification.
  3. To save it in a different directory, browse for the folder in which to save the file and click Save.
    By default the file is overwritten each time you run the import. If you want to keep the error files, select Append a timestamp to the file names each time the import is run, also on the last page of the Import Wizard.