Archiving Microsoft Access databases

To save data in an iBase Microsoft Access format database, or security file, to an archive file (and then delete those records from the audit log).


  1. Open the database audit log or the security log.
  2. Select the data that you want to archive.
    Important: All the records shown in the grid will be deleted from the database log after archiving.
  3. Select Action > Archive.
  4. Click Yes to save the displayed records to a new archive file and, when prompted, enter a descriptive name for the database audit log or security log.
To inspect archived audit logs in Audit Viewer in the same way that you can inspect the original database or security logs:
  1. Select File > Open Archive File and browse for the archive.
To find out when the archive was created and the name of database or security log used to create the archive:
  1. Open the archive as described above.
  2. Click on the Properties tab to display the Properties page.