Working with security logs

The security log lists the transactions of interest. To open a security log, select File > View Security Log.

There are two possibilities:
  • The log is displayed immediately. (This is the log for the security file to which you are currently logged on.)
  • A Security File browser is displayed where you can locate and open a security file. Audit Viewer opens a security log once you have successfully logged on to the security file.
Compared to working with a database log, there are some minor differences:
  • The grid does not contain columns for record IDs or extra detail because these columns are relevant only to specific records, for which the security log does not record actions.
  • The Selection Criteria page has fewer controls. The unavailable controls are those relevant only to specific records.
  • The Actions page lists different actions and you cannot change the audit level. The extra actions are those relevant to database and security operations: compacting, converting, and upsizing databases; creating databases and templates; managing users and groups; and failed logon attempts.
  • You can only sort by date (in the Sort Order list).