Search 360

You can use Search 360 to find records that contain the same text as your search words. All records in the database are searched, including records that contain embedded documents and charts.

When you search for exact matches, the following allowances are made:
Variation Example
Letter case For example, Peter, peter and PETER are exact matches.
Punctuation and accents Francoise is an exact match for Françoise
Word order SMITH, Fred and Fred SMITH are exact matches.
Incidental words "black pullover red baseball cap" is an exact match for a record with this text "wearing a black v-neck pullover and a red baseball cap"

You can also use Search 360 to find records that contain similar text to your search terms (a fuzzy match). In this type of search, the following allowances are made:

Variation Example
Typing mistakes Searching for ROBERTSON might also find ROBETRSON.
Missing spaces between words Searching for Daniel might also find Danielsmith.
Spelling mistakes or sounds likes

Searching for PETERSON might also find PEDERSON.

Name variants Searching for MIKE might also find MICHAEL.
Abbreviations Searching for road might also find rd.
Note: The Search 360 file limit is 100Mb. Files larger than 100Mb are not indexed, and no search results are returned. You can compress large files to use with Search 360 and improve performance. Contact i2 Group Support if you need to increase the limit.

Searching for linked entities (related items)

You can also find information that is held in records that are directly connected to each other by a single link.

Searching for numbers, dates and time

You can search for numbers, dates, and times if the information was entered as text. The only recognized date and time separators are / (for example 2009/10/23) and : (for example, 15:43).

However, to take account of possible variations in number, date, and time formats you might need to search for spelling variations. For example,:
  • An exact search for 10,000 does not find records where the number was entered as 10000.
  • An exact search for 24.50 does not find records where the number was entered as 24.5.
  • An exact search for the date 04/11/89 does not find records where the date was entered as 04/11/1989.

What you cannot search for

There are a few limitations on what you can search for:
  • Values entered in number fields, date fields, or time fields
  • If you are using spelling variations, words with fewer than 4 letters
  • Common words, such as "the", "and" or any words in the stop list
  • Punctuation
Note: Search 360 is only available in SQL Server databases that have been indexed. The date of the last index update is shown in the upper right area of the Search 360 pane. For detailed information on setting up the indexer, see the Administration Center. Although the default setting for Search 360 indexing includes all available fields, your administrator might choose to reduce the scope of the index. Fields that are not added to the indexing process are be returned as part of the search results.