Page setup (General tab)
The General page of the Report.
- Title
Click the Title box and enter, or edit, the text for the title. Click Font to select a different font for the title.
- Header, Footer
Click the Header or Footer box and enter, or edit, the text for the header or footer. In the Header area, click Font to select a different font for both the header and the footer.
- Footer Logo
Turn on Footer Logo if you want a graphic to print in the left end of each footer. Browse to the graphics file or enter the path.
- Truncate long text fields to
You can limit the values to a specific number of characters (in multiples of one hundred) by turning this on.
- Default font
Displays a preview of the font for the main body of the report. To change this, click Font and select a font. When you output the report to Word, this font becomes the font for the Normal style.
- Orientation
Set the page orientation by clicking Portrait or Landscape.
- Page break after each entity record
Turn on if you want to start a new page for each section for the main entity.
- Indent Links
To help the link records to stand out better, turn on Indent Links.
- Default Microsoft Word template
Turn on Default Microsoft Word template and select a document (*.docx) for use as a template when outputting the report.