Checking spelling of the completed chart

Spelling can be checked in a chart that you complete before it is published. The actions that are taken, might be to ignore, or change a word that is found with a spelling check.


To check spelling in a chart:
  1. Click the Publish tab, and then in the Prepare group, click Spelling.
    The first spelling error is displayed in the Not in Dictionary box.
  2. A suggested replacement is displayed in the Change To box. Select one of the following options in the Suggestions area:
    Ignore Leaves the error unchanged, but continues to identify any further instances of this error.
    Ignore All Leaves all instances of this error unchanged for the current session.
    Change To accept the suggested correction, click Change. To use another of the suggestions in the list, click the required word then click Change.

    If none of the suggestions are the required word, type the correction in the Change to box and then click Change.

    When the selected error is a repeated word, this changes to Delete so you can easily remove the second instance of the word.

    Change All Changes all instances of the word in the Not in dictionary box to the word in the Change to box. Changes all instances of the error in the active chart only.
    Add Adds the word in the Not in Dictionary box to the dictionary. When Analyst's Notebook encounters this word in future, in this chart or any other charts, it will not be identified as a misspelling.
    Close Closes the Spelling window without making the current suggested change, and stops checking the chart.
  3. A message is displayed when the spelling check is complete. Click OK to close it.